How to Find Joy in the Chaos of Working Motherhood

Last week, I took a break for half-term with my little ones. I stepped away from work, let go of my usual routines, and just soaked in the moments.

My boys are now 4 and 22 months, and this break with them felt easier (not easy!). Maybe they’re getting older. Maybe I’m now a more experienced mother who sometimes knows what she’s doing. But I truly believe it’s also because I’ve been doing the work - the same work I support other mothers with.

And do you know what I realised? The joy wasn’t in the perfectly planned activities or picture-perfect days. It was in the messy, everyday moments - laughing at something silly, watching my children explore, embracing the pauses in between the chaos.

Finding Joy Right Where You Are

The moments I remember - the ones that truly fill me up - are the ones where I let myself be in them. The bedtime giggles, the silly games, the hilarious conversations with my 4-year-old over dinner. And it’s the same feeling I get when a client has a breakthrough - when something shifts, something clicks, and they suddenly see their own potential in a whole new way.

Because the truth is, working motherhood is full-on. The juggle is real, the to-do list never ends, and ‘balance’ can feel impossible.

But what if we stopped chasing balance and instead started looking for joy right where we are?

Here’s what has helped me:

1. Stop waiting for ‘perfect’ moments

It’s easy to think, I’ll enjoy life when work is less busy, when I have more time, when everything is organised…

But motherhood is chaotic. Work is demanding. Life is full. If we wait for everything to be calm before we enjoy it, we risk missing the best moments happening right now.

Joy isn’t in some perfect, peaceful moment down the line - it’s in the mess, the noise, the reality of our day-to-day lives.

2. Be in the moment, not just present for it

We can be physically there but mentally elsewhere - ticking off tasks, planning ahead, distracted by what’s next. I’ve done it too many times.

But the moments I truly cherish - the ones that stick with me - are the ones where I let myself be fully there. Watching my kids build a fort, feeling the warmth of a cuddle, laughing at something completely ridiculous.

Not every moment has to be magical. But the more we let ourselves experience those little moments, the more joy we’ll find.

3. Redefine balance

We hear so much about ‘having it all’ - but I don’t believe balance is a fixed state. It’s fluid.

Some weeks, work takes priority. Other weeks, family time comes first. Instead of striving for perfect balance every day, I ask myself: What do I need to feel more present this week?

Maybe it’s setting a boundary, letting go of something unnecessary, or making space for one joyful moment just for me.

Joy is a Choice

Joy isn’t something we ‘find’ when life is perfect. It’s something we choose - right here, in the middle of the chaos.

We can’t always control the craziness (hello, toddler tantrums and work deadlines ), but we can control what we focus on.

I invite you to slow down just a little. Notice one moment of joy each day.


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