
  • Smiling person with brown hair wearing a black sweater and earrings against a light background.

    Coaching with Rebecca was empowering, grounding and insightful!

    When I first started coaching with Rebecca, I was feeling burned-out and 'DONE'! I wanted to leave my current job and career, and build confidence around a new path in coaching as I embarked on a course. I was feeling at a pivotal point, knowing I wanted to make positive change after years of feeling dissatisfied and stressed, but was fearful about entering the unknown. I also wanted to move on in a way that felt positive and proactive, not out of desperation to escape! Going into our first session I felt excited to be doing something that felt proactive but was very nervous about tackling the overwhelm and fear. However, by the end of the session, I felt a lot lighter. I felt so much clearer having articulated my goals, and it was powerful for me to be precise about the wording. I felt more hopeful and motivated that I could make these changes.

    My really big goal was around leaving my job. I had no idea if I would achieve it by the end of the coaching sessions, but I did! It's something I have talked about doing for so long (years!). My husband and friends say how happy they are for me, and how proud of me they are of me for making a positive change and leaving behind something that was dragging me down. They all see what a turbulent year it's been for me in lots of ways, and are excited for me in seeing the positive decisiveness.

    I’m now getting much better at looking inward, and noticing what it is I actually want and need, and then having the conviction to follow through on that. Previously, I was more concerned about letting people down or worried about doing things for me based on what others might think. I am learning to value my needs and realised that I can still do that while staying true to my integrity in valuing others. It's meant I've been able to say no to things, to ask for things, and to postpone commitments based on what I feel I need/want to do.

    I really liked how Rebecca acknowledged the journey I've been on, and how she reflected back to me the different mindsets I've had along the way. I felt that my openness was appreciated, and my achievements were celebrated. I also really appreciated the recommendations throughout.

    Kate, K, London

  • Smiling woman with blonde hair in outdoor setting

    Rebecca guided me so well that all of a sudden everything clicked into place!

    A few months ago I finished my sessions with Rebecca and I’ve waited until now to give a testimonial as firstly I wanted to do it the justice she deserves. Secondly I wanted to wait and see how I felt having finished the course and once life had settled post sessions. Safe to say I needn’t have waited as I still feel the same way as I did the moment I had my break through with Rebecca, and wish I had found her sooner!

    Five years ago I realised I was slowly starting to feel stuck in everyday life, and as time went on I began to live in the future, and forgot about living in the present. I reached out to Rebecca as I knew I needed help to get out of the rut I was stuck in but had no idea how. If I’m honest I was a little embarrassed - I had everything going for me, what if she judged me for not just getting over myself and appreciating what I do have rather than what I don’t. After the initial phone consultation, she made me feel like I wasn’t the only one in the world who felt like this and that maybe it was more common than people let on, she let me express how I was feeling and at the end told me she thought she could help. She guided me through unpicking what it was that was making me feel so stuck. The small details I had got so hung up on slowly began to become irrelevant, I was starting to see the bigger picture.

    The wall she helped me climb over has opened up so much light in my life I didn’t know existed before. Of course I still have moments when things pile up but I have so many tools to sort through the pile effectively now. I can see the possibilities in front of me and that it’s me that creates my future, so enjoy doing it.

    If you have any doubts on whether a life coach is worth it or for you, honestly Rebecca is amazing and I am so thankful for the perspective on life she has helped me see, I cant recommend her more highly.

    Imogen Firth, London

  • Beach at sunset with waves and a colorful sky.

    My coaching series was calming, positive and purposeful.

    When I first met Rebecca, I was struggling to make decisions about my career. I was in a difficult position at work that was affecting my home life also and I couldn't decide on a solution to make it better. I was confused, conflicted and terribly unhappy.

    Going into the first session, that first step alone made me feel better as I felt like I was actually making one decision that might help and that felt good. Talking openly to Rebecca felt like a relief and starting to plan for the future, even without knowing what that might look like exactly at that stage, helped me to realise that this moment of time would pass. I began to feel less overwhelmed and knowing that I had some actions to complete but there would be another session in a couple of weeks helped me to get through some very difficult events.

    Since beginning coaching, my friends and family have noticed that I am happier and relaxed when spending time with them. A friend said to me recently, "We've got the old Hannah back, you've really not been yourself this past year."

    The biggest change I’ve witnessed in myself is that I now understand myself better, including, importantly, what helps me to feel happier. The goals that I worked on in my coaching sessions have become goals that I think about more frequently and especially when making decisions about work and family, etc. They are helping me to have the clarity that I was missing before the coaching.

    Thank you for looking after me Rebecca! I truly appreciate your gentle, kind manner alongside your ability to help me assert myself. I felt that the sessions were adaptable, flexible and I was very happy with the experience.

    Hannah M, Essex

  • Woman in striped shirt smiling outdoors

    My coaching series was encouraging, supportive and intuitive!

    When I first connected with Rebecca, I was struggling to push myself out of my comfort zone due to a fear of failure and judgement. I decided to seek coaching because I wanted to take action, but I felt like I needed someone to hold me accountable and guide me out of my comfort zone, which is exactly what Rebecca did for me. By the end of my first session, I felt very motivated and talking openly helped me to gain clarity on what I wanted to achieve.

    The biggest change I have witnessed in myself is how I prioritise myself more, I feel more intuitive and pay attention to how I feel and what I need. I now make decisions that are aligned with my core values, which leaves me feeling more balanced. I have become more open, which has allowed me to deepen connections and make new ones. My husband can see a positive change in my overall demeanour and how much happier and more content I am. I learnt that I actually enjoy the feeling of pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

    Thank you for being an awesome coach, you found the perfect balance of pushing me, whilst being gentle and understanding. You motivated me and held space for me. I could be completely open and honest with you. You always made me feel heard and I felt like you were with me all the way.

    Cindy Graham-Schmidt, Perth, Australia

  • Smiling woman with short dark hair and bangs

    My coaching series was positive, supportive and gave me the accountability I needed.

    Prior to connecting with Rebecca, I was struggling with a lack of self-confidence, particularly in relation to my creative abilities. I was also aware of certain lifestyle changes I needed to make, but I was stuck in bad habits. After the initial consultation, I knew that we would work well together, we hit it off immediately, and I felt excited to get started. After the first session, I felt so positive that I had been able to group the things I wanted to work on or change into a coherent set of goals. It felt like a relief!

    The biggest change I have witnessed in myself is that I am being authentic in expressing myself. This has led to new people coming into my life, starting a passion project, and the authenticity has, in turn, led to increased self-confidence. My boundaries are becoming clearer in my career and in my relationships with others. A few people close to me have said how much happier and inspired I seem since beginning coaching.

    I am so grateful to you for all of your encouragement along the way! This has definitely been a game-changer for me. I feel as though I have found some focus and direction now, and it’s wonderful.

    Emma Mulholland, Leeds

  • Smiling woman with long blonde hair wearing a white top and leaning against a stone wall.

    Coaching with Rebecca was supportive, motivating and productive!

    When I first started working with Rebecca I had just completed my Life Coach training and I knew I needed someone to help me with the huge questions of what was next, how do I do this and what is this? I wanted to keep my momentum up to ensure I had the focus and motivation to build my coaching business.

    After the first session I realised that by talking things through, having Rebecca ask me those important questions and supporting me, I was able to set goals and start to take action. My husband noticed how I have been more motivated and focused since beginning coaching.

    Throughout the series, I made changes to my life in a number of ways, but my biggest lesson was to be realistic with myself and not so hard on myself, which is pretty huge for me.

    Thank you so much for your support, Rebecca! At a time when I didn’t know how to do things or what was next, you gently nudged and helped guide me to complete my goals and achieve all I wanted to and more.

    Cassie Mather-Reid, Canada

  • Aerial view of a beach with turquoise waves crashing onto the sand, two people walking along the shoreline.

    My coaching series was strategic, empowering and genuine.

    When I first connected with Rebecca I was struggling to clearly understand the next move I wanted to make in my career. From the very beginning I felt enthused, it was nice to have something concrete to focus on and I felt that I was making a tangible step forward. The biggest change I have witnessed in myself is that I now understand what I can bring to the table much more clearly. It's given me a sense of strength and confidence when approaching new ventures.

    Thank you Rebecca for your fantastic coaching series. It was evident that you ensured the sessions suited me and were pertinent. I really liked the clear, strategic path that was laid out and subsequently traversed. You boosted my self-confidence by continuously pointing out the things that I was able to do and had done well. You created an open, caring space even across laptops and this allowed me to really open up and be sincere in my thoughts, a necessity to create deep and genuine change. There has been a clear shift in my outlook and approach since the coaching series and I am progressing to where I want to be. As you would say, it's flowing!

    Georgia Cooper, London

  • Smiling person with long hair, wearing earrings and a dark top

    My coaching with Rebecca was enlightening, empowering and freeing.

    When I first connected with Rebecca I was feeling very stuck. I felt emotionally aware but I wasn't sure how to go about getting things done. Setting goals according to how I wanted to feel felt very freeing and meant that I could really think about what would give me joy instead of what I thought I was supposed to have achieved by a certain age.

    Today, I feel stronger, like I know myself and my passions well. I'm self-aware enough to be resilient to change and adversity and I feel much more confident. There were things I had been trying to work on before I started the coaching series but hadn’t made progress on, like getting a new job which I managed to achieve during the series. Rebecca helped me to stay on the right course time-wise and get things done because of the accountability, and I really appreciated the support. I feel much better about settings boundaries for myself and protecting my own time, which makes for healthier relationships with my friends, family and colleagues because I'm now honest about what I want, and what I can and can't do. Thank you!

    Anna Sonny, London

  • Portrait of a woman with long dark hair and a light-colored top, smiling slightly, set against a plain background.

    My coaching series was surprising, motivating and rewarding.

    When I first connected with Rebecca I had got to a stage of my life where I felt unhappy because I felt lost at what career direction I wanted to go in. I had never worked with a coach before and I was fairly cynical, I was expecting a lot of ‘fluff’ and inspirational jargon, however, I knew something had to change and I didn’t know where else to turn. Rebecca asked me a lot more probing questions than I expected that really made me think and delve into myself, which was something I had never done before. I discovered it was ok to show some vulnerability; Rebecca was really friendly and easy to talk to which helped.

    I have focus and clarity now which is what I wanted; I know what is important to me and what makes me happy. I realised I needed to let go of others/society's opinions of what I should be doing and be true to myself (cheesy but it works!). Close ones can definitely see I'm happier. I'd like to thank Rebecca for all her help and for providing me with the tools to get through my bad days and not give up.

    Rachel Daniels, Bedford

  • Aerial view of a sandy beach with gentle ocean waves under a partly cloudy sky.

    Life Transforming! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    At a crossroads in my life and yearning for the third career that I felt was on the horizon, I googled career coach and came across Rebecca! Not entirely sure how a stranger could coach me, but needing an independent view to give me clarity, I arranged an appointment, dialled in and started to talk. Rebecca’s ability to see through “life clutter”, spot trends, articulate important goals, and most importantly, help me to see the alternative out of the box options for achieving them was interesting, scary and valuable.

    So fast forward 5 months... I have left an industry I had outgrown, become truer to my personal values, do two completely new jobs: one I enjoy that pays the bills on Monday and Wednesday and another one that makes my heart beat faster on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

    Erika Reading, Surrey

  • Desert landscape with yucca plant and sand dunes at sunrise.

    Rebecca was super easy to interact with.

    When I reached out to Rebecca I was struggling to decide on what course to take for a career change. Going into our session together I felt muddled, however by the end I felt clearer on which path to take. I realised that several options can lead you to the same endpoint, so I no longer felt concerned about making the perfect decision. The biggest change I have witnessed in myself is I no longer ruminate about decisions for days on end. I would describe my coaching experience as calm, clear and gave me the answers I was looking for.

    Gemma C, London

  • Seagulls flying over a beach at sunrise with waves and a clear blue sky.

    My coaching series was eye opening and transformative!

    I worked with Rebecca at a pivotal moment in my business, when I was feeling uninspired and overwhelmed. I also wanted to do some self-exploration and tie work goals with personal goals (and identify what these were!). Rebecca was a pleasure to work with during a vulnerable time - she was non-judgemental, trustworthy and kind, whilst still holding me to account. The effect of her coaching has been transformative on both me and my business.

    Jenni, Cheltenham, UK

  • Beach with waves and a clear blue sky

    Rebecca was fantastic, she has this calming aura and is very naturally talented.

    Prior to coaching, I was struggling to make a decision on whether to study or change my career. I hadn’t worked with a coach before, and I expected it to be like counselling, but it was different because I gained direction to move forward. Going into the session I felt confused and anxious, however, by the end, I felt a sense of direction and I had set objectives. Rebecca made everything so simple by breaking everything down into steps. I have seen a change in myself; I’m now looking for the right type of job, I feel clearer and motivated.

    Thank you so much, Rebecca, you changed my thinking, motivated me to achieve my goals and helped me to realise my passion for creativity.

    P.C, Bedfordshire

  • Sunset over ocean with gentle waves and sandy beach.

    My coaching session was fascinating.

    I reached out to Rebecca when I was planning for a change in life and career, due to moving my family to the UK. I was struggling to know what to do and I wanted to gain clarity on the different options for my career according to my skills, experience and personality. I felt completely stuck with my thoughts which were causing me stress and sleepless nights. By the end of the sessions, I finally had a goal, something to focus on, explore and research further. The experience has opened up my mind and widened my world. Rebecca helped me to spot possibilities I hadn’t previously considered. I found the session fascinating, useful and efficient. Thank you, Rebecca, a good job done and good value for money!

    S M, La Rosière, France

  • Ocean waves at sunset with moon in sky and colorful gradient of orange and teal.

    My coaching experience was insightful, motivational and uplifting.

    When I first connected with Rebecca, I was feeling stuck in my current work situation and struggling to make any progress towards a career change. I was lacking in confidence and felt unable to see myself having the skills or ability to navigate into something new. I decided to have coaching because I spent one too many days thinking, "Why am I doing this job?" but feeling trapped and clueless about how to make a change. I hadn’t worked with a coach before, but I was expecting that it could only be a positive experience and provide me with more clarity.

    By the end of my very first session with Rebecca, I felt happy that I had taken the first step through setting objectives and goals that helped me to focus. I felt that I had something to work towards, rather than just mindlessly scrolling through job adverts/courses which were just making me even more confused and disheartened. I also liked the fact that one of my goals was personal and not job-related and realising that whilst a good career is nice, I am more than my job and it is important to focus on me too.

    Since coaching with Rebecca, loved ones have noticed how much happier I am and how I’m much more resilient. When something gets me down, I know what makes me happier and feels good and so it takes less time for me to bounce back. I’m also more open to taking on new things. I’ve learnt to identify when I'm in a negative mindset, knowing when it's time to take a break and refocus. I learnt so much about myself through the sessions and I'm now continuing to put this into practice.

    I had a great experience, and I feel a million times better and more confident in myself and my future career than I did before my coaching. Thank you!

    Sarah M, London